The EU project DigInTraCE kicks off in Athens to deliver a novel transparent and interoperable Decentralised Traceability platform for circular economy
The new EU-funded Horizon Europe project DigInTraCE held its kick-off meeting on 07-08 February 2023 in Athens. The two-day meeting started with a welcome note from Dr Angelos Amditis, R&D Director of ICCS and project coordinator, followed by a presentation by the Project Officer, Suzana Xara from Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) and continued with presentations and fruitful discussions on the partner’s involvement in the project activities and future steps.
Coordinated by the Institute of Communication & Computer Systems (ICCS) in Greece, DigInTraCE consortium includes 22 organisations (21 partners, 1 affiliated entity) from 6 EU members and 1 Associated country (8 Academic and Research Technology Organisations, 6 Industrial partners, 3 novel digital technology providers, 1 Standardization, 2 certification (association & affiliated body) and 2 pioneer SMEs). The project runs from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2026 and has a budget of €7.6M.
Process industries are working to find solutions to achieve low emissions and promote circularity through waste reduction and secondary raw materials use. The EU-funded DigInTraCE project will use innovative tracking, sensing and sorting techniques to develop a transparent and interoperable decentralized traceability platform focusing on the pulp and paper and chemicals sectors. The project will also develop dynamically updated DPP schemes supporting certification, quality validation, AI-based decision-making mechanisms for process and life cycle optimisation, and up-cycling, reuse and upgrade technologies for improved secondary raw materials use. DigInTraCE will concentrate on composite wood and furniture, wood and pulp and paper, plastic parts from ICT equipment and the automotive market, and polymers and textiles.
‘Relying on a holistic framework for the digitalisation of circular value chains, in DiginTraCE, novel and near real-time sensing and sorting mechanisms and immersive technologies will enable the exchange of crucial data on materials and will lead to optimized secondary uses for these materials. Aspiring to promote circularity and waste reduction by delivering a transparent and interoperable decentralised platform that traces, sorts and dynamically updates materials used in different value chains, we have a lot of work ahead of us’ mentions Dr. Angelos Amditis, Project co ordinator, Research & Development Director of ICCS.
Let us trace the path to sustainability with DigInTraCE!
DigInTraCE project partners
Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) , National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), UST Global (UST), Fundacion CIRCE, Centro Centro De Investigacion de Recursos Y Consumos Energeticos (CIRCE), Fonden Dansk Standard (DS), IRIS Technology Solutions, Sociedad Limitada (IRIS), Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT OY (VTT), Merit Consulting House PC (MERIT), Hypertech SA (HTECH), Chimar Hellas SA (CHIMAR), Agroinvest (AGRST) Menexes S.A. (MXS), TECNALIA Research & Innovation (TCNL) and Tecnalia Certification (TCNLCERT), ASTIGARRAGA KIT LINE (ASTI), Centexbel (CTB), Sioen Industries (SIOEN), DGS S.p.A., SIGIT Societa Italiana Gomma Industriale Torino – SPA (SIGIT), Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (UVQ), European Plastics Converters (EUPC), Brunel University London (UBRUN)