DigInTraCE needs you! For us, the participatory process is very assisting and interesting since it provides interaction and offers useful knowledge, networking, and wide engagement! For this, the DigInTraCE project aims to create a Stakeholders Hub which will serve as a dedicated space to foster open communication, transparency, and meaningful interactions with the valued stakeholders. The process is simple and the participation is free and with no obligations. All individuals that are interested in the project and its research outputs are able to participate, by filling in the form here.
Through this Hub, DigInTraCE aims to encourage the co-creation of the project’s services and the information exchange through questionnaires, surveys, workshops, and other scientific methodologies. The ultimate goal of DigInTraCE partners is to establish networking with different actors of the supply chain, to bring together people relevant to the project’s topics, and to co-create an active community around the project.