Good news! The DigInTraCE blog section is live!

DigInTraCE is back from summer and ready for a fruitful and promising autumn! We are excited to announce the official launch of the blog section on our website. The blog will serve as a hub for sharing updates and innovations from DigInTraCE, highlighting the progress towards sustainability and waste management.

The DigInTraCE partners will provide blog posts informing you about the latest achievements and advancements within the project and in relevant thematic sections. Visitors will have the opportunity to read the opinions and views of leading industry experts and discover DigInTraCE’s impact across Europe and beyond. Whether you are a professional in the circular economy sector, an academic, or just a passionate citizen, our blog will keep you up-to-date and provide you with interesting information!

Let us trace the path to sustainability with DigInTraCE!